Remember how I said I laughed when the doctor called to schedule a c-section at 38 weeks, declaring there was no way possible we’d make it that long? Even after we’d made it past 35, 36 and 37 weeks I was convinced the babies would play a cruel joke on momma and send her into labor mere hours before the surgery was scheduled. But, we made it.

My parents, aunt and sister came into town over the weekend so they were able to see my large and in charge belly again before the babies came.

We celebrated a nice Mother’s Day and had a nice dinner Sunday night. Surprisingly enough, other than a couple bathroom trips I slept a solid 6 hours Monday night and awoke not to my own excitement or anxiety but to my alarm clock at 5am. A shower was already running in the house and I discovered that my dad had been awake since 3. I showered, got dressed and took a final belly picture.

The final belly pic
The final belly pic

Bryan, my dad and I arrived at the hospital at 6am. We registered and went up to the L&D unit where I was set up in the recovery room before surgery. Not much exciting happened there – an IV was placed, blood taken, fetal heart rates checked. I was nervous about the spinal anesthesia but it turned out to not be so bad.

The experience of a c-section is bizarre. Obviously you are numb, but can still feel pressure. Getting Miss Abigail out was interesting because she was always sitting so low and at one point it was difficult to breathe because it felt like they were pushing on my lungs. But, she arrived safely at 8:29 am. Miles followed shortly after at 8:31am. They let me get a brief peek at each baby after they were born and then were taken to be assessed. Both babies were declared healthy and weighed 5lb 13 oz and 6lb 12 oz consecutively.

Hi! We were just born
Hi! We were just born

Both babies were brought into recovery to feed, and both latched on like champs! They were both then taken for further assessment and I was taken to my room. It wasn’t too much longer before they brought both to us.

I'm a  hot mess
I’m a hot mess

What was supposed to be a72 hr hospital stay turned into a fourth day because Miss Abby’s bilirubin level was too high at 72 hrs. Luckily they let us stay so I could nurse her. She spent about 12 hours under the lights and did so with style.

Madonna wanna be
Madonna wanna be

We were all released home yesterday and so far all is going well. Both babies eat and sleep well – up to 3 hour stretches. Both have calm dispositions – and if I do say so myself, are beautiful. I am a bit biased though.

you know you cant handle the cute
you know you cant handle the cute

This whole experience so far has been wonderful and surreal. A part of me still can’t believe they are mine – I feel like I still have to return them to someone. We take pictures constantly. I love seeing Bryan as a daddy – he has been absolutely wonderful and watching him with the babies absolutely melts my heart. After all we went through I can say without a doubt that they are worth every tear I ever shed about infertility. I can’t believe that I’m a mom.  They were truly worth the wait.

Mommy and daddy love you both more than words could express.